Frequently asked questions
How is the KonMari Method® different from traditional decluttering?
Most tidying methods advocate a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, which doom you to pick away at your piles of stuff forever.
The KonMari Method® encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service – then let them go.
People around the world have been drawn to this philosophy not only due to its effectiveness, but also because it places great importance on being mindful, introspective and forward-looking.
(excerpt from the KonMari website)
I believe my children need help with tidying more than me, would you be able to help them first?
Maria Montessori said that it is only in a harmonious environment that a child feels happy, secure, and is able to adapt and explore his surroundings. Therefore, it is important for us as adults to provide an environment where our children learn life-skills in respecting and caring for their home alongside us. This is not possible if we as adults haven’t completed tidying our own belongings first. It is highly recommended that adults learn the right tools in organising their things completely and thoroughly before preparing an ideal environment for their children.
I really need help but I am concerned about the cost of engaging in your services. What alternatives could you offer for me?
I have different packages that will suit you based on how fast you want to get results (highly recommended to complete your tidying marathon as quickly as possible to enjoy the best results), how motivated you are in following my recommendations, how much you own and how much 1:1 support you need from me. These are comprehensive packages designed based on my experience working with clients who have differing requirements. Take a look at my ‘Services’ to see which package would suit you the most taking into consideration your time commitment and budget.
Is the KonMari Method® for me?
If you’ve tried tidying before but find yourself wasting precious time “spring cleaning” every year; if constant clutter is affecting your work, relationships with loved ones and mental health; if you envision a life where you are living every moment focusing on what brings you happiness and, if you are willing to commit yourself to tidy comprehensively just once in your life, then yes, the KonMari Method® is definitely for you!
What can I expect from working with you?
After a free 30-min discovery call where I will have an opportunity to better understand your needs, I will offer a package best suited for you. Sometimes, even with your best individual efforts in tidying your home, having a coach to guide you through the same process makes it easy, saves time and gives you more clarity in areas you hadn’t thought of. Whether our sessions are done virtually or in-person, you can be assured that I will commit to you my focused time and energy to enable a permanent and magical transformation for your home. You will also have a deeper understanding of your tidying goals & motivation and ultimately your personal values, passions and priorities. This will in turn change your mindset around who and what truly bring you joy. Once you have successfully completed your own tidying using the KonMari Method®, you can choose to engage me in organising your child’s spaces to encourage independence and confidence in them.
Want to know how you can create a sense of calm and peaceful connection in your home?
Book a free 30-min Discovery Call!