Coaching Services


$288/2 hours

Parenting Coaching

Raising our children with our loving presence, connection, mutual respect, and trust is fundamental in supporting them to develop to their fullest potential. As a KonMari® home organising consultant, Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, and Certified Coach in the Conscious Parenting Method™, I provide non-judgmental, and empathic support to help you build nurturing relationships with your family in a positive manner.

I am honoured to be a part of your journey to clear your inner (your childhood wounds, and triggers) and outer clutter so that you can reveal the vision for parenting exactly the way you’d imagined, to connect with yourself and your children with compassion, clarity, and most importantly from your wholeness and your truth.


Simplicity Coaching

With my hands-on support in your home, you’ll learn the principles of the KonMari® Tidying Method and create efficient systems that contain items of joy and purpose, one category at a time. I will be your guide every step of the way to facilitate the calming home transformation that you’re looking for. By gently letting go of the things that weigh you down with gratitude, you are not only transforming your home but also your life and the lives of your family members.

Once your spaces have been tidied, I will work with your children using Montessori positive parenting strategies to empower them to make decisions on what to keep and what to discard with gratitude. Their spaces will be designed while keeping their independence, creativity, and developmental needs in mind.

Packages available on request

Speaking & Workshops


Price on request

Hi! I'm Dr. Aparna, Singapore’s first Platinum-certified Consultant in the KonMari® Method as seen on the Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and Sparking Joy. It gives me much joy in sharing my experience as a Conscious Parenting and Simplicity Coach with communities all over the world.

Some of my corporate & school workshop clients have been Great Eastern Insurance, Rotary Club, Standard Chartered Bank, Russel Reynold’s, and Invictus International School.

I share my experience with simplifying my home using the KonMari® Method and positive parenting principles (inspired by Conscious Parenting, Simplicity Parenting, Montessori principles, and positive discipline tools) and how it transformed my life. I also share how to use these principles when designing children’s home spaces.


Conscious parenting is a game changer because it doesn’t try to change the child, just ourselves as parents.”

-Dr.Shefali Tsabary

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My services include:

  • a comprehensive evaluation to assess your parenting + organising style & needs

  • support with creating a vision for your ideal parenting, home & lifestyle

  • bespoke tools to align with the authentic needs & values of you and your family

  • workbooks & other parenting + tidying resources

  • access to private client portal

  • tips to maintain your newly curated home

  • email/chat support in between coaching sessions

    Bonuses (where applicable): customised storage solutions; purchase of storage products; help with the donation of discarded items

“Once you have dealt properly with the current phase of your life, the next will come to you naturally”



Want to know how you can create a sense of calm and peaceful connection in your home?

Book a free 30-min Discovery Call!

Aparna will make you feel assured that she is there to support you in your ‘tidying festival’ while understanding your family's needs. She is also able to provide avenues where you can give away items you no longer need or find joy in so that wastage is minimised.

Claryn, Mum of 2